“Between the Cisa and Forbici passes, the wooded ridges that separate Tuscany from Emilia give way to a true mountain environment.
The peaks of Alpe di Succiso, Monte Prado and Monte Cusna exceed 2000 metres, the forests give way to rocks, lakes and high-altitude meadows.
Lower down, on the Emilian side, the unmistakable Pietra di Bismantova dominates the landscape with its vertical walls.
The Apennine Tosco-Emiliano National Park boasts an extraordinary wealth of environments, from meadows to blueberry moors to the most inaccessible peaks; and also lakes, waterfalls, bodies of water, rocky walls that stand out over the streams; animals such as the wolf, the mouflon, the roe deer, the golden eagle and botanical rarities that make entire areas true natural botanical gardens.
The tourist value of this natural area also focuses on quality products and services at competitive prices, excellent facilities for sports activities and relaxation, suitable for holidays… up to 2000 meters.” (from Parks.it)

In collaboration with the association of Environmental Hiking Guides Altri Passi we can offer excursions to discover the naturalistic and historical beauties along the paths of the Appennino Tosco Emiliano National Park and in the Lands of Matilde, among geology, castles and ancient villages..

Altri PASSI Association  www.altripassi.org
facebook:  Altri PASSI
[e] info@altripassi.org
[m] 338 5478437